Project-Series 2.0

Take 1:

Hello World!

This is a webpage.


— Program Has Ended —-

Me: I think this is too simple. Why don’t I improve it?

Take 2:

Hello World! (with colors!)

This is a webpage. (that’s me)

Goodbye. (see you)

— Program Has Ended —-

Me: I think the web address is too long.

Me: Bunleap(My Friend)! Can you buy me a custom domain? I need it for a project.

Bunleap: Hey, man. Use You can get a free domain there. Here let me show you.

Take 3:


Hello World! (with colors!)

This is a webpage. (that’s me)

Goodbye. (see you)

Me: That’s Better! Well, I should take a break.

It’s been one month already since I started this project. Let me tell you a story:
At the start of the term, my assignment was to create a final project. After school, I was thinking on my way back. “What do I want to do?” I thought. “What do I like? hmm…. poems?…..yeah I like poems. let’s do it.” I thought again. “Wait. How can I connect that to multimedia? hmm…….” I realized. “Why not make a webpage talking about how to writes poems.”. I came to a conclusion and I decided to do it.

I started to work on this project right away. There are many obstacles which interfered me during my progress. I had to research the instructions and make sure it’s a reliable source. My web is designed to teach others how to write Khmer poems and showcase some of the poems written by viewers. I’m hoping in the future that I will add more features and design to my webpage to reach Cambodians who want to learn Khmer poems.

Currently Developing Website: khmer-poem–


Take 1:

Hello World! 



— Program Has Crashed —-

Wait, why my code doesn’t work again?

Ok. Let me fix it

Take 2:

Hello World! This is a simple program that you see here. I mean you can’t see the actual code but you you can see this text which is the result in the console. Most people think this program is easy to write but I dare to write this code now and run it. Where would you go? What would you do? Ok, I win. I told you writing a program isn’t easy. It is very hard to understand. It’s impossible to learn code. It’s SO HARD!

— Program Crashed Again —

Wrong text, Wrong text!


Take 3:

Hello World! This is a simple program that you see here. I mean you can’t see the actual code but you you can see this text which is the result in the console. Most people think this program is easy to write but I dare to write this code now and run it. I tell you writing a program isn’t easy. It has many obstacles and erROr to it. It can be very frustrated and tired but I want to learn it. I want to learn and devolop my own website and app. If anyone has a dream to do something that they always wanted to do, they’re going to get it even with impossible obstacles blocking them. For me, learning to code had always been fun. The best part of it is that I get to learn this independently on my free time. It allows me to discover more things and see the world differently. I learned Python in class but that’s not the only language I can write. I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, etc. I want to create something with this and I will create it. But first, I need to start somewhere. I started and progressing through.

— Program has Stopped —

Update will be renew on May 9th 2019


Here are some of the projects I did:

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game:

Team Chooser:

Turtle Race:

Rainbow Turtle: